October's theme in Cub Scouts was Adventures in Books. We had a really fun pack meeting, with our Cubmaster coming up with a fantastic mystery over missing awards. I volunteered to do the cake, since I had a book pan. I had no idea at the start of the month what I was going to do, but that's what Perry's for.
I finally had an idea of scenes from books, but I had no clue what to use. Perry gave me some ideas of what captured boys' interests and I went to work. I asked Mischa what page number to put on the book, and she suggested our pack number. Perry then came home, saw the cake, and said it would be cool to have put a smooth brown border around the bottom of the cake (instead of the white shells here) to make it look like a book cover. I scraped off the stars and followed his suggestion. It turned out really cute.

My favourite part of this cake was the rough sketch. I haven't ever drawn a rough idea for my cakes before, and I don't think I've picked up a pencil to draw in 10 years (and I used to love to draw in high school). I changed some things around, mainly not liking the title look, moving the pirate flag/map down so I didn't have 2 black scenes next to each other, and I decided to ditch the Gryffindor crest for the golden snitch (I figured boys would like the sports in Harry Potter, and it was also a good reason to buy the gold dusting powder I've been wanting). I used silver dusting powder on the spaceship and the wings of the snitch and dragon.

(the black squiggle next to the space scene is what happens when you leave a pen and paper within reach of a certain 3 year o
ld girl in our family)
The cake is awesome! The rough sketches were great, but you definitely improved on them for the cake itself. Thanks for sharing the visual, even if you can't pass a piece of cake this way.
One of my favorite cakes you have done. I love to see your crafty juices flowing!
The thing about your artistic talent is that it's EDIBLE. How cool is that? Seriously, it's just amazing. I can barely draw stick figures. And when I do they look like sickly.
We laugh at my mom because she can only draw birds that look like they nest at the top of the reactors at Cheranobyl.
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