It all starts out with Joshua's theme for his cake. He wanted a Ben 10 character, like Caleb had (but not the same alien), then decided to go for a Teletubbies cake. That really didn't fly with us, so I came up with Bumblebee from the Transformers, Joshua's favourite. I was going to do the car, but when I went to get the cake pan, I realized I didn't have any rectangular cake boards. It's Black Friday, and I'm not going anywhere near Wal-mart or Michael's. I did have round boards, so I had to modify the design some. The car was gone, and I chose the Autobot logo instead.
I was just sitting down at the computer, all done with the cake, when I heard the dog drinking in the kitchen. Then I realized he wasn't drinking. As I run to the kitchen in slow motion, the scene from A Christmas Story flashes in front of me- the dogs eating the turkey. Yep, life is imitating art right in my own home. Lucky me!!
Perry and the kids convinced me that they would still eat the cake if I cut off the destroyed parts (we'll eat from the back to the front). I had used all of my white to make the black, so my shells are different in the fixed part, but overall it isn't too bad.
The dog is really bad about trying to steal food, so I'm making it my mission this coming week to break him of that.